Sudden, urgent, red hot pain generally occurs after a physical trauma that is initially treated with ice to stop the swelling and ease the pain. The days that follow are key for a swift healing progression. Besides resting the injured area, acupuncture treatment and herbal remedies have shown to minimize swelling and bruising and help move through the pain, stiffness, and soreness that typically follows inflammation.
If there is a stroke characterized by facial paralysis time is of the essence. Even though the pain may not be as acute as a traumatic injury, it is best practice in Chinese Medicine to seek acupuncture treatment as quickly as possible to hasten recovery.
From back and shoulder pain to continuous bouts of indigestion or daily headaches. The pain is ever-present or lurking around the corner ready to strike with those well known and surprise triggers you’re constantly avoiding. Acupuncture and herbs are well proven to treat many of these entrenched musculoskeletal and other organ system pains.
Postpartum is such a special time with your new bundle of joy, but it’s hardly without its challenges. After carrying a baby, growing an extra organ, and giving birth, even the most robust of us will feel depleted. This exhaustion for many can translate into lactation woes. From mastitis to scanty milk production, there are scores of herbal remedies and acupuncture point combinations that are over 2000 years old which uniquely treat this very ailment. The stress, worry, and/or self-blame caused by not having enough to feed your child can make the matter worse. Please call me and let’s talk. If this package is unaffordable, we’ll figure one out for you. Time is of the essence because supply relies on the demand too. Don’t let another day pass wringing your hands looking for alternatives. It’s not your fault. I welcome your call.